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API Frequently Asked Questions

This section contains the answsers to common questions related to ONEBOX's APIs.

If you cannot find an answer to your question, make sure to contact us or via email at

I can't create order because attendant data is missing

For some events it will be necessary to add information regarding the event attendant. In case this data are necessary and is missing, the API will return the following error: 1059 - ERROR_REST_SHOPPINGCART_ATTENDANT_MISSING

Check our Add Attendant Data Guide to see how solve this problem easily.

Problems with the shopping cart expiration time (error_code 1050)

The expiration time of the shopping cart is 10 minutes, there is an attribute called timeLeft in the response JSON that indicates the expiration remaining time, this time is reset each time the cart is modified or interacted by some shopping cart endpoint, if the time is over (timeLeft : 0) the api returns the following error shopping cart expired (error_code 1050), so a new shopping cart would have to be created there.


The problem is that there is a limit of 2500 sessions for the event-search with eventType = ACTIVITY and is exceeding it when making the request. The solution is to use the startDate and endDate filters to do a more precise search and it return fewer sessions so that it does not reach the limit of 2500.

Can I work using XML in the API?

As can be seen in the documentation, some endpoints receive XML structures as a parameter if they are complex (for example, a discount is a XML structure), but when dealing with the responses sent by the API, it is prepared to work only with JSON.

  • 1 - I get an empty list: No event has yet been enabled for your channel, so you will receive an empty list.
  • 2 - I have been assigned an event but it does not appear in the response: If the eventType filter has not been sent, only the available EVENT type events will be downloaded, but not the ACTIVITY type, if you want to download the activity type events you must send the filter as follows: eventType = ACTIVITY

How the payment of the tickets is managed, who is in charge of managing the TPV payment process?

This part of the process is external to the Onebox platform, so the integration is always in charge of managing the TPV communication part by its side.

How are taxes managed in the api?

Most shopping-cart endpoints return all the current cart information in the response JSON, and in it there is an object called ttotal-price-breakdown that contains information for informational purposes only, this is the breakdown of the final price and can also include the VAT or any tax in the taxes object, but must keep in mind that this information is merely informative, all taxes are already included in the initial price of the products and so the integration don't have to deal with that.

Can I send an extra custom field in the customer data for any special need of my integration?

In addition to the existing client data fields, if for some special need the integration need to send an extra custom field, once the integration have access to the production environment is possible to request it from our operations team and they will enable it for the channel.

How I can to check if the session is configured as nominal?

In the response of the session-info endpoint, there is an object called "event-basic-info" that will contains the attribute "nominal": true if the session is configured as nominal.

What should I put in the Channel url path of the widget's HTML url?

The widget receives in the url a specific url/name for the widget that is provided for each channel that uses it, not the channel id or username. In the following example onebox_api is the url/name that it should receive to load the script.

EXAMPLE: src="**onebox_api**/widgets/ob-widgets?rootPath=">