Session detail
How to get detailed session information tutorial
Use this service to get detailed information about a session.
Note: To use this service you need a valid session-id and an event-id, to know how to obtain them check our Get Events Catalogue guide.
Let's get started with the example
Step-by-step examples
This guide shows how to get the session details using an session identifier.
You will need a valid OAuth access_token to be able to make each call! Please refer to our Authentication Guide to obtain one.
Get the detailed information about a session
With this simple call we can easily get detailed information about of a session using an session-id.
- event-id: This parameter indicates the unique identifier of the event the event to which the session belongs.
- session-id: This parameter indicates the unique identifier of the session from which we will obtain the information.
curl --location --request GET '{{event-id}}/sessions/{{session-id}}' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}'