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Products catalogue

Events search tutorial

Use this service to search for events and activities with active performances available from providers linked to your on sale distribution channel.

Let's get started with the example

Step-by-step examples

This guide shows how to get the available product catalogue.


You will need a valid OAuth access_token to be able to make each call! Please refer to our Authentication Guide to obtain one.

Get the available product catalogue

With this simple call we can easily obtain the catalog available for a channel, filtering by date and by type of event.

  • eventType: The type of event catalogue to obtain, can be ACTIVITY or EVENT.
  • startDate: This parameter allows filtering by the date from which the events will be obtained.
  • endDate: This parameter allows filtering by the date until which the events will be obtained.
curl --location --request GET '' \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {{access_token}}' \
--data-raw ''


  • In this case, the catalog of EVENT type events is requested, these are basic events such as a concert or a theater. In the case of ACTIVITY type events, they would be activity type events, such as an excursion or an theme park.

  • Also note that the events must be available for sale or they will not appear in the catalog.

  • The Events Search response contains basic information about the events and sessions, to obtain more detailed information about each one of them we can use the endpoints indicated below.

Note that if you receive an empty list the reasons may be the following:

  • 1 - No event has yet been enabled for your channel, so you will receive an empty list.
  • 2 - That the eventType filter has not been sent, in that case only the available EVENT type events will be downloaded, but not the ACTIVITY type, if you want to download the activity type events you must send the filter as follows: eventType = ACTIVITY

The event-info and session-info services

Now that we have the available product catalogue we can get the IDs of the events and sessions of the service response, we can follow the guides on how to use the event-info and session-info services to obtain detailed information on each of them.